Saturday, February 27, 2010

Google Buzz

HI guys.Google has created a new email chat concept and that is none other than Google buzz.Many of them are not clear on what is google buzz is doing and in what way it is different from the other social networking sites.It just has a seperate folder in your gmail account and just list all the activities your friends do in Buzz community so that you might not need to go each and every page and look for the updates from your friends.It will real fun na.So just make a try out.tahnsk for your time friends.Meet you with further updates.


Unique id plan get a budget worth Rs 1900 crore

Hi guys.Happy to meet you with an interesting article.Indian government has allocated Rs 1900 crores for the plan of giving unique Ids for all Indians.In the team led by Nanda Linakeni the plans are going on to give unique id within the next five years.In the previous year 120 crore has been allocated for the project and and the initial steps for the Id plans are going on in a faster manner.
It will be expected that once this unique id is given to all Indians,then India will get Rs 20,000 crores every year.Hope this unique id plan is on the fast rolls which will also serve as as strong identification for all Indians.Hope this will do.Thanks for your time.